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How it works

Simple. You pay a little upfront and then nothing until you hit it big. We know start-ups can be scary, and you don't want to mess up your balance sheet spending precious funds right before you get in front of investors.


So, don't.


The majority of our fee is covered by a small equity stake in your business. This means we only get paid when you do. It's low risk for you and means we are fully invested in getting you through that funding round at as high a valuation as possible. 


We only win when you win, big.

Reduce your risk

Getting funding is already a stressful process. Let us take the risk alongside you.

Spend where it matters

Put your cash to work where it makes the most difference to the multiple.

Maximise your valuation

Ultimately you want to get the big number. Our whole focus is helping you hit it. 

Package Options



This package gets you all the fundamental inputs required to help you blow people's minds with your incredible idea. We will help you get your story straight and make it sound amazing. 


Recommended for pre-seed and seed funding stage






If your business is a little further along, you are starting to generate revenue, you want to accelerate growth and insure you get that next round of funding, this is the package for you.


Recommended for seed or series A funding stage.


If your business is really going places, you might have already received some funding and you want to start properly scaling things out, this is the package for you.​


Recommended for series A, B and beyond

Foundations Package

This package gets you all the fundamental inputs required to help you blow people's minds with your incredible idea. We will help you get your story straight and make it sound amazing. 


Go into your initial funding rounds confident that you are presenting the best version of your business and increase your odds of impressing investors.


Positioning and Messaging

We'll figure out how to position your business in the market and present your products in exactly the right way. We’ll write killer product messaging and refine your unique proposition giving you the foundation for all future marketing activity and the basis for an attention grabbing pitch.​


Outputs: 10-15 slide positioning and messaging deck with full messaging hierarchy

Space Craters

Pitch Deck

The all important pitch deck. This is what you will send to your long list of target funds to try and get their attention. It really needs to make an impact, and fast.  We'll make it mind blowing.


Outputs: 8-10 slide pitch deck for initial investor presentations

Accelerator Package

Get everything in Foundations plus we take it even further.


We get really into the detail of your market, business and products and we give you some competitive edge, helping you present your story on your most important commercial channel, the website.


Competitor Analysis

Think you are the best in the business? Let us help you confirm that, identify a way to differentiate yourself from competitors and demonstrate it to everyone else. We will also put together a set of competitor battle cards your sales team can use to fend of the competition and win more deals.​


Outputs: 3-5 Competitor battle cards, 10-15 slide competitor overview deck with recommendations for differentiation opportunities


Website Improvement

We’ll write the words that present your story perfectly on your most prominent channel. We’ll also help you set some realistic targets for your website and make recommendations for ways to improve its prospect converting power.  


Outputs: Copy for Home page, up to 3 product pages and up to 2 solution/vertical pages. Website performance recommendations.


Extended Investor Pres

At this stage your pitch deck needs to do a little more than sell your idea, it needs to demonstrate you have a strong, growing business with a clear path to success and a great understanding of your market and where you sit within it. 


Outputs: 15-20 slide investor presentation and the opportunity for pitch practice with our team

Scale-Up Package

Get everything in our other packages plus a detailed analysis of your target market and a complete Go-to-market strategy that you can take action on right away to boost business growth and blow away investors. We’ll give you some practical guidance around how to market your business and how to scale-out your marketing team

Arch and Podium

Target Audience Analysis

W​e'll get into the detail of your buyers, build an in depth understanding of who they are, what they need, how your product helps and how to reach them in the most effective way.


Outputs: Target Audience report including complete buyer profiles for up to 5 buyer types with pain points, challenges, interests and product/feature fit analysis.

Man Reaching Star

Go-To-Market Strategy

We'll take all the inputs across positioning, product, competitors, market and buyers, and put it all into one actionable strategy designed to help your business boost growth now.   


Outputs: Go-to-market strategy with recommended target markets, product fit and positioning in each, messaging for key targets, recommended channels and marketing / sales plays.


Sales Enablement

Equip your sales team with the material they need to accelerate lead velocity and close more deals.


Outputs: Up to 3 data sheets on your key products/features, a first call deck, and recommendations for further improvements.

Purple Planet

Marketing Plan

Directly aligned with the GTM strategy this plan takes that thinking and applies it to marketing tools and channels. Get a detailed plan of the specific marketing tools, channels and tactics we think you should use to grow your business.


Outputs: 6 month detailed marketing plan with a performance assessment at the end of the first 6 months.

Purple Sky

Marketing Team Strategy

Get our thoughts on how you should build out a killer marketing team, we'll even help you interview them.


Outputs: Scale out plan for your marketing team with role profile outlines for each role and the opportunity to include our expert team on your first set of interviews with candidates.

  • Foundation

    • Positioning and messaging
    • Pitch deck
  • Accelerator

    • Everything in Foundation
    • Competitor analysis
    • Website improvements
    • Extended investor presentation
  • Scale-Up

    • Everything in Accelerator
    • Target audience analysis
    • Go-to-market strategy
    • Sales enablement
    • Marketing plan
    • Team strategy


1 / How much equity do you take?

That depends on the package level you choose and your individual business. We think about it the same way an investor would so it will be relative to your target valuation.

2 / But I don't want to give away a stake in my business, can I pay you all up front?

Short answer. No. Our model works because we are invested in your success and wont stop till we get it right. Want to just pay for some services and go your own way, there are plenty of other marketing agencies out there that will take your money and wish you the best.  

3 / Why do you take an upfront fee at all?

Because we want to know you are also committed to getting that investment sooner rather than later. The upfront fee gives us confidence that you are really in this right now and ready to go. We keep it as small as possible so you can put money where it matters most for the valuation.

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