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Red Flags in Product Marketing Manager Job Descriptions

Two skeletons sitting at what looks like a dark bar, lit by three candles sitting in front of them. One skeleton is looking towards the camera with his hand up as if waving. Caption reads - hello brave souls. Product Marketing Manager job description red flags

Amidst the echo of ghostly promises and the shadows of tall tales, some Product Marketing Manager job descriptions conceal more tricks than treats.

1. The Frankenstein Role

Stitched together from disparate responsibilities, this monstrous role lacks identity. Product marketing is an art, not a patchwork of unrelated tasks. You should find things like product positioning, messaging, launch strategies. But when spooky things like prospecting, events planning, - that's not a Product Marketing Manager job anymore.

2. The Buzzword Cauldron

Lots of "synergy," "disruption," and "innovative mindset" but not a whisper of product lifecycle or go-to-market strategies? Such vague descriptors often mask a lack of clarity or substance in the company's marketing vision.

3. Unearthly Expectations

1 person product marketing teams is a lot of pressure. A role demanding you to have summoned countless product launches, mastered a coven of marketing tools, and charmed multiple teams? The money better be worth it.

4. The Vanishing Metrics

Promises to "boost product visibility" or "enchant audiences" without clear KPIs is like a ghost—present, but without substance. Without tangible goals, you might be chasing apparitions. Coupled with bad management, and you could be trapped in a nightmare where nothing you do is ever quite good enough.

Sspooky looking woman in the woods. Her long dark hair is covering her face and her hand is stretched out towards you. The caption reads - treading the haunted halls of job boards?

5. Coffin-tight Silence on Compensation

No word on the treasures that lie within, but lofty demands of 'undying passion' and 'eternal commitment'? They might be expecting you to sell your soul for pennies. While most companies still shy away from listing the salary outright in the job description, they should at least be able to give you a range early on in your conversations. Product marketing is one of the best paid jobs in marketing, so don't be scared off of asking.

6. The "Culture Fit" Phantom

You want to fit in, they want you to fit but. An overemphasis on culture fit in the job description but eerie silence on actual company values or product visions? Perhaps this ghostly phrase translates to, "We prefer our own kind."

Good Luck on your Product Marketing Manager Job Hunt!

Tread cautiously, oh seekers of the perfect haunt, for the job realm is filled with illusions and mirages. Don't get lured by flashy titles or grand promises. Your skills are valuable, and you deserve a role and company that genuinely recognizes and nurtures your potential.

Found a job advert that doesn't make you want to run screaming?

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