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Get the valuation
you deserve

Expert product marketing for the start-ups that deserve it most. With unique ultra-low upfront cost.


How does product marketing impact start-up valuations?

Whether your ambition is to IPO, get bought by the big fish in your space or complete a successful funding round, product marketing can get you the best offer.


Product marketing is all about understanding the value of the product and presenting that in the most compelling way possible. Sometimes that's to the potential buyers who contribute directly to revenue, and sometimes it's to investors.


But bad news for founders, 99% of product marketing talent is taken up by those companies that have already won.

We offer expert product marketing to start-ups because we want your cool ideas to change the world.

Killer product messaging

Technology marketing is no place for fluff. It takes marketers that get technology to do it properly - which is rare and what makes Product Marketers so in demand. We'll get into the detail of your product to really understand what it does and create messaging that really showcases it's value.

Pitch deck and website rewrite

Everyone will judge you based on what your website says. You have one chance to make a first impression. And once you've done the hard work of getting in front of people, it all comes down to the impact of your pitch. We'll inject our killer product messaging into website copy and a pitch deck that's memorable.

Sales training

In the early days on a business, good sales people can make the difference between your company going under and it scaling rapidly. But making sure they really 'get' the product can be difficult and you're too busy to hold their hand for too long. Our sales training package ensures a consistent training experience that focuses on product value.

Idea validation

For a few select clients a year that are ready to take their company to the next level, we provide a more in depth service that challenges existing assumptions. By looking at external market factors, buyer/user persona research and deep dive current competitor customer experience, this service can uncover vulnerabilities and highlight opportunities for growth.

Make a small payment now and don't pay out any more until you're too rich to care.

Because we know cash needs to stay in the business if a start-up is to grow, we've cut our pricing down to the absolute minimum and in return ask for a very small cut of equity. 

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